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It’s funny how food can have so many different dynamics in our life. It’s not only used to sustain us but it’s a comforter, a celebration, a way of expression & creativity, a romantic jester, it’s good for us, it’s bad for us, and so on and so forth…. I created this blog to inspire myself and others to enjoy food in a way that allows us to enjoy guilty pleasures but maintain awareness of our health and wellbeing.

Bon Appetit


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Quick Dinner for Two

One of the issues I have with cooking is, cooking for two. As Americans we are use to getting big portions and that's how I cook. Even...

Who Knew? Flexitarian

Who knew it was even a word let alone a diet? If you've been keeping up with my blogs and this page you know that I believe that all...

PB F'sh and Grits

No, not Peanut Butter fish and but Plant-Based Fish and Grits. So, I've got time this morning to actually fix me breakfast...

Tempeh Bacon

Good morning everyone. This is just a quick post for me to tell you about my experience with Tempeh bacon this morning. This is my first...

Teriyaki Salmon Bowl

I've got this good friend that I meet while I was living in North Carolina. Our son's both were learning to play soccer and was on the...

Carolina BBQ Revamped

It was Mother's Day just a couple of Sundays ago . Happy Belated Mother's Day to all my readers who didn't get my wishes on my Facebook...

Chicken Enchiladas

Today I pulled into my driveway after getting off work and sat there trying to figure out what to cook. I'm on the phone with my bestie...

Mushy Goodness

Have you ever had a day where nothing seems to go right? Of course, you have. That's been my whole day today. It's probably because...

Turkey Meatloaf

It's Thursday and I have no idea what to cook. I normally don't cook on Friday's so if I'm going to feed me and my son, today seems like...

Taco Day

One of my favorite cuisines is Mexican. I love to go to Mexican restaurants and cook it at home. One of the first entrees I made was...

10-Day Salad Challenge

Today is the 23rd of January and the new month in the New Year is almost over. How is everyone doing with their New Year's Resolutions? I...

Happy New Year's

Most people start the New Year off making resolutions. Not me. I found every time I would make a resolution, I'd fail my goals usually...

How breakfast became brunch

Woke up this glorious morning thanking God for yet another day. On my way to the kitchen thinking I'm hungry! First think gits my mind is...

Celebrating my Dad

Hello everyone, I've been a little quiet here lately because my biological father passed away a week ago. I always said I had my mom and...

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